Israel, as we all know, is a sacred, kind, compassionate country that hates to murder. For this reason, it has always had and will have the support of the broken empire (USA). However, it happens that for a geographical error of its God, this divine country was placed between lands of non-divine people. As consequence of this, many times Israel has had to face diabolical rivals. This has caused that its weak, compassionate and divine army has had to kill thousands of Palestinians or Lebanese.

It is necessary to clarify that only the guerrillas have to be blamed for those involuntary murders made by the sacred army against defenseless and hungry inhabitants. Two examples support my words: In 2006 Israel was forced to invade a great and powerful country that possesses the most modern weapons in this world, including atomic bombs. In that country is living an evil guerrilla that also has the most mortal weapons in the planet, including the nuclear ones, and its members are devoted to tell bad things against the sacred Israel.

They also threw stones; they spit on them and even call them Jew. And because they lived inside the powerful Lebanon, they thought that the divine army was afraid of them. Then, tired of so many humiliations, and very aware of its rival, the compassionate Israeli government decided to invade Lebanon. Its unequal fight against that powerful guerrilla lasted 34 days. According to the hospitals, about 160 sacred soldiers were buried in Israel. That is to say, that cruel guerrilla killed five soldiers every day. However, the compassionate and sacred army never killed more than fifty each day. The total murdered by the sacred army was 1,200 in those 34 days. 300 children, 600 women and old men and 300 combatants.

Now, this generous army again has to fight against another group that resides inside another nation loaded with chemical, nuclear weapons, tanks and an army that easily could overcome the decadent empire of the north. This group swears that it will never recognize Israel, since this sacred country stole lands from them and invade and kill them. The problem now is that some funny children are shooting rockets into Israel, and their action is perturbing the peace of that divine town. To stop that, the divine government had to send its sacred soldiers into Gaza, still knowing how dangerous it is to face such a powerful group.

Today, after 19 days of fighting, this brave action has cost the lives of nine compassionate soldiers. I mean, one dies every other day. What is a tragedy and a cruelty executed by Hamas. While those divine families cry, Israel shows its compassion in Gaza. Hardly one thousand have been murdered by the sacred army inside that city! Barely fifty people every day! According to the hospitals: more than 300 children, about 300 old men and women and about 400 Hamas fighters.

If you compare the figures, you can easily notice that while the sacred soldiers shoot to the air, just to warn the Gazan people; Hamas, showing its lack of mercy, always shoots to kill divine soldiers. And while the invaders of Gaza throw their bombs that burn all things or persons that they touch, just to illuminate the Palestinian refuges, Hamas, on the other hand, shoots their rockets to provoke panic inside the sacred Israel. Israeli people get scared and have to hide. This guerrilla deserves the eternal condemnation!

I would like to state that the bombs that killed “30 dead” yesterday inside a Gaza cemetery while their relatives were buried other dead, was Hamas fault.

Another thing that bothers me is the journalists’ ingratitude. All of them are complaining about the sacred Israeli army because it does not allow them to enter in Gaza and watch the reality. And even the pro russian-chinese-muslim and communist CNN is saying that the reason is because they do not want that the journalists record THE MASSACRE that the sacred invaders are perpetrating against that hungry and defenseless town. How thankless are these second hand reporters! Don’t they realize that Israel is protecting them from falling in the diabolical claws of the Hamas soldiers? Oh God, these hypocrites! I implore to the God of Israel that they never see the paradise; and that very soon the imperial crisis knocks CNN down and shut its fallacies up!

Now please visithttp://www.realpolitica.com

to read: «Mr. Obama, that was a secret ambush«

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